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Bang Bang (1971) 7/10

Bang Bang: Réalisé par Andrea Tonacci. Avec Paulo César Peréio, Abrahão Farc, Jura Otero, José Aurélio Vieira. The actor of a film being made lives without distinction his own personal reality and his character's fiction. As the involuntary object of chance and circumstance, he looks for a meaning and way out, while being pursued by outlaws, a magician, a romantic fantasy, a drunk and his own self-image. The humour, the reason of the persecution, situations, personages, set decoration, dialogs and soundtrack (which uses themes from other films) lead us to symbols, metaphors and the refusal of a possible logical narrative, in a way to allow the viewer to experiment a sensation analogous to the one of the main character, inducing in him the need of thinking a meaning while lost and led by the sustained expectation, and by the intentionally recurrent anti-climax.

Genre: Comédie, Fantastique Producteur: Andrea Tonacci
Acteurs: Paulo César Peréio, Abrahão Farc, Jura Otero
Titre: Bang Bang (1971) Full HD AC36C STFR
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
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