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Moi (2007) 8.8/10

Moi: Directed by Yan England. With Bianca Gervais, Émile Mailhiot, Linda Roy, Stéphane Simard. MOI tells the story of Alexis, a 15 year old boy. Passionate about cinema and Chaplin, he dreams of becoming a film director. For Alexis, every dream is possible. But, his life will collapse the day when, through the gaze of others, he will suddenly become aware of his reality.

Producteur: Yan England
Acteurs: Bianca Gervais, Émile Mailhiot, Linda Roy
Titre: Moi (2007) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 2.4 Yrs, 8.80 GB,