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Self Discovery for Social Survival (2019) 9.0/10

Directed by Chris Gentile. With Jamie Brisick, Ari Browne, Ryan Burch, Corey Colapinto. Self Discovery for Social Survival is a collaborative film from record label Mexican Summer and surf and outdoor brand Pilgrim Surf + Supply. Filmed in Mexico, the Maldives, and Iceland in three separate vignettes, it follows musicians and pro-surfers as they embark on sound and surf journeys that conjure a surreal and serene symbiosis of music, the environment, and local culture. The film is ...

Genre: Documentaire Producteur: Chris Gentile
Acteurs: Jamie Brisick, Ari Browne, Ryan Burch, Corey Colapinto
Titre: Self Discovery for Social Survival (2019) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 4.6 Yrs, 2.66 GB,