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Valparaiso (2011) 6.5/10

Directed by Jean-Christophe Delpias. With Jean-François Stévenin, Peter Coyote, Héléna Noguerra, François Caron. 21:07 GMT, somewhere in the English Channel: a supertanker, the "Magnificent", 400,000 tonnes of crude oil, 350 meters long, runs aground on the Casquets reef. The rocks tear through the double hull and the ship is going to sink, causing yet another oil slick. In Brussels, Emma Caglione, a young Green member of the European Parliament, works hard with the official commission of inquiry: Emma soon...

Genre: Thriller Producteur: Jean-Christophe Delpias
Acteurs: Jean-François Stévenin, Peter Coyote, Héléna Noguerra
Titre: Valparaiso (2011) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 6.4 Yrs, 0.38 MB,