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Chemistry (2012) 6.8/10

Directed by Remy Bazerque. With Lily James, Tom Riley, Al Weaver. Johann, a brilliant young scientist, conspires with his friend Eric to perform a dangerous chemical experiment with an exhilarating goal: the secret of eternal life. Their fraternal relationship is tested to the limit by the addition to their duo of the beautiful, capricious Ines. A compelling blend of humour and anxiety, CHEMISTRY is the dark tale of Johann's naïve obsession as he finds himself ...

Genre: Comédie Producteur: Remy Bazerque
Acteurs: Lily James, Tom Riley, Al Weaver
Titre: Chemistry (2012) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 3.5 Yrs, 1.97 GB,