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Barbecue (2017) 6.6/10

Directed by Matthew Salleh. With Lwazi Dlaminilf, Rufo 'Junny' Servado, Katsunori Yashima. A symphony of meat and fire, Barbecue shows us how an everyday ritual is shared by cultures around the world, as a way to celebrate community, friendship, and tradition. A film told in 13 languages, from Texas to the Syrian border, from 'Shisanyama' to 'Lechon', Barbecue is a film about the simple truths in life that bring people together, and how barbecue is a path to salvation.

Genre: Documentaire Producteur: Matthew Salleh
Acteurs: Lwazi Dlaminilf, Rufo 'Junny' Servado, Katsunori Yashima
Titre: Barbecue (2017) Full HD AC36C STFR
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 6.4 Yrs, 12.43 GB,