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Devil May Cry 5 (2019) 8.8/10

Directed by Hideaki Itsuno. With Johnny Yong Bosch, Brian Hanford, Reuben Langdon, Faye Kingslee. Years have passed since the legions of hell have set foot in this world, but now a new demonic invasion has begun, and humanity's last hope will rest in the hands of three lone demon hunters, each offering a radically different play style.

Producteur: Hideaki Itsuno
Acteurs: Johnny Yong Bosch, Brian Hanford, Reuben Langdon, Faye Kingslee
Titre: Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 4.7 Yrs, 7.43 MB,