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Dr. Stone (2019) 8.4/10

With Yûsuke Kobayashi, Makoto Furukawa, Kana Ichinose, Yûichi Nakamura. One fateful day, all of humanity was petrified by a blinding flash of light. After several millennia, high schooler Taiju awakens and finds himself lost in a world of statues. However, he's not alone. His science-loving friend Senku's been up and running for a few months and he's got a grand plan in mind, to kickstart civilization with the power of science.

Acteurs: Yûsuke Kobayashi, Makoto Furukawa, Kana Ichinose, Yûichi Nakamura
Titre: Dr. Stone (2019) 720 HD AAC2C STFR
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 4.8 Yrs, 516.70 MB,