The Purge S01 E06
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The Purge - Season 01 Episode 06
The Purge revolves around a 12-hour period when all crime, including murder, is legal. Set in an altered America ruled by a totalitarian political party, the series follows several seemingly unrelated characters living in a small city. As the clock winds down, each character is forced to reckon withmore...The Purge revolves around a 12-hour period when all crime, including murder, is legal. Set in an altered America ruled by a totalitarian political party, the series follows several seemingly unrelated characters living in a small city. As the clock winds down, each character is forced to reckon with their past as they discover how far they will go to survive the night.Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Diffusé: Oct 9, 2018
Pays: US
Séries > HD
0.22 MB (100%)
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