Catastrophe S02-E02
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catastrophe 2015 - Season 02 Episode 02
Une irlandaise et un américain se rencontrent à Londres et tombent amoureux. Leur histoire d'amour est scellée par une grossesse qui va changer leur quotidien...Genre: Comedy
Diffusé: Nov 3, 2015
Résumé: A sexually frustrated Rob is disappointed when Sharon's psychologist prescribes antidepressants, and not more sex, as a treatment for post-natal depression. However, an outlet for his pent-up libido arrives at work in the form of an attractive new French colleague Olivia, who he quickly engages inmore...A sexually frustrated Rob is disappointed when Sharon's psychologist prescribes antidepressants, and not more sex, as a treatment for post-natal depression. However, an outlet for his pent-up libido arrives at work in the form of an attractive new French colleague Olivia, who he quickly engages in what starts out as harmless flirtation. Meanwhile, now that she has been suitably numbed, Sharon finds herself capable of contemplating the world of mother-and-baby classes, but when her only 'mum friend' Sam goes AWOL ahead of a session, she is forced to deal with the dreaded 'mombies' alone.
Note: 7 Producteur: Ben Taylor Ecrivain: , Rob Delaney, Sharon Horgan,
Séries > HD
194.94 MB (100%)
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