Atlantis 2013 S01-E01
Info Tv:

Atlantis 2013 - Season 01 Episode 01

Les contes et les légendes au cœur de l'Atlantide, où se croisent géants et déesses à tête de serpent dans de vastes palaces sous la mer, racontées à travers les yeux d'un nouveau venu, le jeune Jason...

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Diffusé: Sep 28, 2013
Résumé: When Jason goes in search of his father he finds himself washed up on the shores of a mysterious land - a world of mythical creatures, soothsaying oracles and palaces so vast it is said they were built by giants: this is the city of Atlantis.

But it seems the newcomer has chosen the wrong
more...When Jason goes in search of his father he finds himself washed up on the shores of a mysterious land - a world of mythical creatures, soothsaying oracles and palaces so vast it is said they were built by giants: this is the city of Atlantis.

But it seems the newcomer has chosen the wrong time to arrive in the fabled realm and Jason soon finds himself at the mercy of a deadly ritual, from which there can be no escape...

Note: 7
Producteur: Justin Molotnikov
Ecrivain: Howard Overman
Atlantis 2013
Séries > SD
Media Info:
  Propriété Valeur
Global Type de format AVI
Bitrate 1 128 bps
Vidéo Durée 45mn 21s
Format MPEG-4 Visual
Codec XVID
Width x Height 632x352
Aspect 16:9
Framerate 25.0000 fps
Librairie XviD 1.2.1 (UTC 2008-12-04)
Audio Format MPEG Audio
Mode Joint stereo
Bitrate Mode Constant
Bitrate 128 Kbps
Canaux 2 channels
Sample Rate 44.1 KHz
Librairie LAME3.98.4
776.27 MB (100%)
Mot de passe:
Archives cryptée



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