Les condamnees S7E02 FRENCH TVRIP x264 AAC-ROLLED

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Les condamnees - Season 07 Episode 02

Entrée dans l'univers carcéral féminin du HMP Larkhall, où la corruption du personnel, les rivalités entre les détenues et les tragédies en tout genre sont le lot quotidien. Contre tout attente, la prison peut aussi être une source de joie etmore...

Genre: Drama
Diffusé: May 17, 2005
Résumé: Jim uses all his manipulative skills to get himself out of jail, but will Di realsie he is using her? Everyone on G-Wing is up in arms about the extortion racket Natalie Buxton and her sidekick Darlene Cake are running. Jim blackmails Neil Grayling into giving him the Wing Governor's job, andmore...Jim uses all his manipulative skills to get himself out of jail, but will Di realsie he is using her? Everyone on G-Wing is up in arms about the extortion racket Natalie Buxton and her sidekick Darlene Cake are running. Jim blackmails Neil Grayling into giving him the Wing Governor's job, and starts by sacking the two Julies from the kitchen. Phyl and Bev jump at the chance to replace them, but they're unprepared for all the hard work. Sylvia is sure that she has a mysterious illness - Dr Nicholson is unterested until a letter arrives for Sylvia...!

Les condamnees
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