Chicago PD S01-E01
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Chicago PD - Season 01 Episode 01
A la tête de l'unité des renseignements du district 21 de Chicago, le sergent Hank Voight ne craint pas de franchir les limites de la légalité et de l'éthique. Ses méthodes lui valent d'être dans le collimateur de ses supérieurs et des affaires internes.Genre: Crime, Drama
Diffusé: Jan 8, 2014
Résumé: After a slew of brutal slayings, District 21, led by Sergeant Hank Voight go after a Columbian drug cartel cleaning house in Chicago. They discover D’Anthony who proves to be an asset in the investigation. At District, complicated histories and unit rivalries surface which could end up costingmore...After a slew of brutal slayings, District 21, led by Sergeant Hank Voight go after a Columbian drug cartel cleaning house in Chicago. They discover D’Anthony who proves to be an asset in the investigation. At District, complicated histories and unit rivalries surface which could end up costing them one of their own. Meanwhile, Rookie Kyle Ruzek is pulled from the police academy by Olinski to join the team.
Note: 7 Producteur: Michael Slovis Ecrivain: Matt Olmstead Invités: , Melissa Sagemiller, America Olivo, Isaac White, Arturo del Puerto, Monica Raymund, Lauren German, David Eigenberg, Yuri Sardarov, Amy Morton, Robert Wisdom,
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