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Shocking! (1976) 5.6/10

Directed by Claude Mulot. With Emmanuelle Parèze, Karine Gambier, Marie-Christine Chireix, Jacques Insermini. Synopsis: As the world slides to nuclear war and bombs explode in the background, the de Courvals have their family problems, but become increasingly uninhibited. Juliette is uninterested in her husband. Armelle is in love with him but he wont look at her. She spies on her flatmate having sex with a man, then kicks him out. The son of the de Courvals is caught masturbating by his tutor, Patricia,...

Genre: Adult Producteur: Claude Mulot
Acteurs: Emmanuelle Parèze, Karine Gambier, Marie-Christine Chireix
Titre: Shocking! (1976) SD AAC2C
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 7 Yrs, 837.41 MB,