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"Laramie" Death Wind (1960) 8.4/10

Directed by Francis D. Lyon. With John Smith, Hoagy Carmichael, Robert Crawford Jr., Robert Fuller. A stage arrives with passengers that want to continue on at the same time a twister is supposed to hit the area. One of the passengers is hurt when Slim has to hit him when he pulls a gun. They are followed by a hit man who is after him.

Producteur: Francis D. Lyon
Acteurs: John Smith, Hoagy Carmichael, Robert Crawford Jr., Robert Fuller
Titre: "Laramie" Death Wind (1960) 720 HD AAC2C STFR
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 5.2 Yrs, 458.41 MB,