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"The Young and the Restless" Episode #1.3375 (1986)

Created by Lee Phillip Bell. With Lauralee Bell, Eric Braeden, Colby Chester, Michael Damian. For the first time since the shooting, Jill leaves the hospital and returns to the scene of the crime. Jack is working on a defense strategy with his attorney Howard Morrison. In light of her sister's wedding, Ashley has a daydream of marrying Victor. Brad begs Jack to attend his wedding - for Traci's sake. Cricket is talking to her uncle Joe when a young girl named Molly shows up at the Jabot ...

Acteurs: Lauralee Bell, Eric Braeden, Colby Chester, Michael Damian
Titre: "The Young and the Restless" Episode #1.3375 (1986)
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
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