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Eileen (2011) 7.8/10

With Jim Deddes, Alejandro Fajardo, Kees Hulst, Gloria Leiton. "Eileen" is loosely based on the story of Tanja Nijmeijer, the student who joined the FARC to fight for the poor and oppressed population at the bottom of Colombian society. Eileen grows up in Groningen in a harmonious family. She is a happy, socially engaged young woman who studies Spanish and is active in the squatting movement. She receives the opportunity to become an intern in Bogota, ...

Acteurs: Jim Deddes, Alejandro Fajardo, Kees Hulst, Gloria Leiton
Titre: Eileen (2011) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 3.5 Yrs, 1.76 GB,