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"Copper" La Tempête (2012) 7.6/10

Directed by Jeff Woolnough. With Tom Weston-Jones, Kyle Schmid, Anastasia Griffith, Ato Essandoh. October 11, 1864. Detectives Maguire and O'Brien uncover a gang's scheme to rob some of the wealthiest families in New York City. Corcoran, once informed, must ensure the safety of patrons at an upscale fundraiser without intruding upon Norbert Morehouse and Elizabeth Haverford. As the police prepare for the gala, Maguire reveals a startling, life-changing decision, surprising O'Brien and ...

Genre: Action, Drama Producteur: Jeff Woolnough
Acteurs: Tom Weston-Jones, Kyle Schmid, Anastasia Griffith
Titre: "Copper" La Tempête (2012) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 11.3 Yrs, 1.73 GB,