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Antarctic Edge: 70° South (2015) 6.9/10

Directed by Dena Seidel. With Naderev Sano, Oscar Schofield, Hugh Ducklow, Donna Fraser. In 2014, scientists declared West Antarctic ice sheet melt unstoppable, threatening the future of our planet. A group of world-class researchers is in a race to understand climate change in the fastest winter-warming place on earth: the West Antarctic Peninsula. Trekking through dangerous and uncharted landscape, these scientists push the limits of their research and come to terms with the ...

Genre: Documentaire Producteur: Dena Seidel
Acteurs: Naderev Sano, Oscar Schofield, Hugh Ducklow
Titre: Antarctic Edge: 70° South (2015) 720 HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 8.3 Yrs, 707.12 MB,