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Délit de fuite (2013) 6.5/10

Directed by Thierry Binisti. With Isabelle Candelier, Eric Cantona, Jérémie Duvall, Tom Hudson. Fifteen-year-old Sébastien Lecoeur is headed to the country for the weekend with his father. In a hurry to arrive before nightfall, his father is driving much too fast. As the car hurtles through a sleeping village at full speed, they hit a figure by the side of the road. The shape crashes against the hood of the car. Sébastien screams, but his father turns off the headlights and accelerates - ...

Genre: Crime, Drama Producteur: Thierry Binisti
Acteurs: Isabelle Candelier, Eric Cantona, Jérémie Duvall
Titre: Délit de fuite (2013) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 5.7 Yrs, 6.50 GB,