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Sky Jumpers (2014) 6.7/10

Directed by Peter Gombos, Hedy Korbee. With Jc Colclasure, Ian Drennan, Jay Moledzki, Shannon Pilcher. Sky Jumpers is a character-driven, feature documentary that takes viewers deep into the dangerous world of top-tier skydiving, where split-second decisions make the difference between life and death.

Genre: Documentary Producteur: Peter Gombos, Hedy Korbee
Acteurs: Jc Colclasure, Ian Drennan, Jay Moledzki
Titre: Sky Jumpers (2014) 720 HD AAC2C
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 7.2 Yrs, 1.18 GB,