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100 metros (2016) 7.2/10

Giving up is not an option
Directed by Marcel Barrena. With Dani Rovira, Karra Elejalde, Alexandra Jiménez, David Verdaguer. Based on the incredibly true story of a Spanish man with Multiple Esclorosis who tried to finish an Iron-Man: 3,8km swimming, 180km cycling and 42 running. And he was told that he could not make 100 meters.

Genre: Comédie, Drame Producteur: Marcel Barrena
Acteurs: Dani Rovira, Karra Elejalde, Alexandra Jiménez
Titre: 100 metros (2016) SD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 7.1 Yrs, 801.76 MB,