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Les bleus: premiers pas dans la police (2006) 7.0/10

Created by Stéphane Giusti, Alain Robillard, Alain Tasma. With Nicolas Gob, Raphaël Lenglet, Luc Thuillier, Jean-Michel Fête. Six fairly cocky Paris police academy-graduated newbies join the metropolitan police, to be truly trained on the job by arrogant veterans who bicker among themselves. And the rookies' private lives and backgrounds keep interfering. Kévin Laporte is a closet-gay. Macho Alex Moreno comes from a slum family. Ambitious, academically gifted Lyes Beloumi is of Maghrebinian origin. Shy Nadia Poulain is ...

Genre: Action, Crime, Drama Acteurs: Nicolas Gob, Raphaël Lenglet, Luc Thuillier
Titre: Les bleus: premiers pas dans la police (2006) Full HD
Source: Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour voir le nom dans les newsgroups
Posté il y a 9.4 Yrs, 6.76 GB,